This is Me Trying to love myself the way I am. I think I look good but I don't feel too good. I agree with being happy and confident with who I am but in todays' society, it is now allowed for people to jump on you if you don't agree with obesity or seem to have a problem with the way you want to and choose to look. I am a Christian and believe that overeating is a desire of the flesh and should be addressed with Fasting and The Word of God. But for those who don't have that opinion, I think need to think about why they over eat and why maybe they don't feel good about their weight whether they are too big or too thin. I have also noticed that where I live food is all over the place. You can't get away from the Chinese restaurants and Cuchi Fritos, Fast food Mcee Dees or what have you..Woman and our children are bombarded with non traditional ways of eating like cooking Whole foods like Greens, grains, beans, fruit and Water for dinner. So I hope to talk about some of these issues and see how my Hood Sisters feel about what going on in their community and what they would like done about their health.
I live in the Bronx New York and any and everyone who lives in the five bouroughs of N.Y.C. with the exception of Manhattan, we all know that eating is a big part of life here. I watch women work all day either in their homes, and or outside the home, reward themselves with food for working hard. I don't know whether it's because of economics or what but I see it and it's something that we struggle with every day. Being a Big Beautiful woman is great. You need to have self esteem and confidence in yourself regardless your size. But a lot of women are confusing that confidence with emotional eating, stress and depression. Being a minority woman also plays a big factor in how I eat and feed my children..When I was growing up I was always made to finish all my food even if I was full because you know poor black people can't be wasting any food. I was also taught to eat fast because there was work and chores to do or we had to hurry up and get to school and church and stay busy because idol hands are the devils' workshop..I was also taught that you need to pull up your bootstraps, be strong, don't show emotion, you can't cry...OMG..I know all these things played a part in how I eat now..It is more than ok to love yourself be big and have self confidence but not at the expense of your health...Now we as adults have the right to make those decisions but when our bad choices fall onto our children, It's time to start setting a good example..I have posted a link to show you some of the statistics and long term affects of obese children...Good self esteem and Confidence has nothing to do with weight. It's ok to boost yourself up and have some compassion for yourself and allow yourself to be who you are at that precise moment with out being ridiculed and discriminated on. But at the expense of you health or that of your children, and families. It's Not Worth It...